Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Importance of DevSecOps

DevSecOps is about introducing security earlier in the life cycle of application development, thus minimising vulnerabilities. DevSecOps aims to embed security in every part of the software development lifecycle process. It is about embedding security controls and processes early in the DevOps workflow.

With the move to Agile and DevOps methodologies and continuous delivery the ability to deploy applications in the Cloud has improved both scale and speed. Due to continuous change in technology and consumer demand, the application security was mostly an afterthought, and at times considered to be a roadblock to staying ahead in the race.

Automation from the start reduces the chance of errors. It’s about shifting security left in the SDLC lifecycle. Shifting security left is about building things that's innovative and also secure.

Integrating security into DevOps to deliver DevSecOps requires new mind-sets, processes, and tools. When developers are writing code, they need to have tools that checks for vulnerabilities during the local build process. Embed the checks for vulnerabilities within the continuous integration/continuous delivery CICD process using Jenkins so as to ensure that at each build process, there is a security element checking that the code is secure.

While a developer may do their best with regards to implementing basic security checks, nobody can know in this vast open-source world, how many software packages contain a security vulnerability and in which of its versions. An integrated DevSecOps solution or workflow which supports automation can help developers spot if they are unintentionally using any open-source libraries with known vulnerabilities, before they even begin coding the rest of the modules of a software project, only to realise they need to start over again.

Since the open-source community has always welcomed contributions from anyone, an unsuspecting developer already using one of the compromised components would have no means of knowing this, unless an automated tool was in place to be able to constantly scan their project and point out any malicious open-source components.

Make Developers security-aware
Developers are busy and tasked with implementing a certain functionality out of code for your users. Security may not always be their number one priority due to limitations imposed by meeting deadlines and even developer’s own lack of security expertise. However, with DevSecOps software solutions, the constant ‘reminders’ about excluding certain components from software builds, along with credible reasoning which warrants so, makes your developers a little more interested in and aware of security every time they see such an alert.

There is never a way of knowing whether your application or project is totally secure from all directions. But following best practices and automation - DevSecOps can drastically reduce risk arising from using software components with known vulnerabilities, right from the beginning.

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